Organizational Climate Assessment

Employee opinions are a barometer of an organization's health. As such, they can be sued to identify issues that can drain morale, productivity, quality, and competitiveness. Survey results can be used in a structured problem solving process to foster constructive organizational change.

JLMI offers a joint labor/management employee opinion survey and problem-solving process. While the process can take various forms, based on the needs of the client organization, the overriding theme is one of joint labor/management cooperation. JLMI facilitates a structured process to identify and resolve workplace issues and to implement changes to improve organizational functioning. Individual responses will be held completely confidential.

Who should attend a program of this nature?

Organizations that wish to develop a structure for improved communication between labor and management across organizational levels and functions may find this process to be a significant benefit. In addition, organizations that seek to identify and resolve workplace issues and to implement changes to improve organizational functioning may also find this process to be of value.

JLMI staff work with a steering committee comprised of labor and management leadership within the organization to design a survey and problem solving process tailored to the specific needs of the organization and the workforce.

The following steps are included in the process:

  • Formation of a labor-management steering committee.
  • Joint oversight of survey design.
  • Development of a sampling plan.
  • Confidential administration.
  • Analysis and interpretation.
  • Training in problem solving techniques.
  • Feedback, problem solving and action planning.