Graduate Student Association - GSA - MSU Chapter


GSA intends to act as an efficient and effective representative of the School of Human Resources and Labor Relations graduate student population, as well as equip students with an academic, professional and social support network.


Mission Statement

GSA will:

  • Promote the academic, professional and social aims for all students in the School of Human Resources and Labor Relations.
  • As a representative of the SHRLR student population, dedicate itself toward the establishment of effective channels of communication among students, faculty and staff.
  • Ease the transition of new students into the School, as well as provide students with a sense of "community," through activities such as picnics, mentoring programs, intern panels, clothing sales and senior send-off events.
  • Band with other student organizations such as SHRM and COGS to further the academic, professional, and social interests of and opportunities for SHRLR students.