Project Profiles

  • Manufacturing

    Case Study #1

    • The Issue: A Midwest food manufacturer must reduce its cost per pound of product to remain competitive.The union and management believe that a joint initiative will be the most effective way to reach their goal, but they don't know how to proceed.
    • The Action: MSU helped the joint labor/management committee design a process for work redesign which would uphold the interests of both the union and management.
    • The Result: Significant reduction in cost per pound of product, large capital investment, increased capacity and job security.

    Case Study #2

    • The Issue: A West Coast food manufacturer wants to negotiate their upcoming collective bargaining agreement using an interest-based approach. Bargaining committee members on both sides had only negotiated in a traditional way. Their last negotiation was adversarial at best and dragged on past the expiration date. They needed a better way.
    • The Action: MSU taught the entire bargaining committee how to use the interest-based approach. In addition, MSU taught the bargaining committee how to self-facilitate the bargaining sessions.
    • The Result: Negotiations were non-adversarial, contract was ratified, and agreements focused on satisfying interests of both union and management.

    Case Study #3

    • The Issue: A Midwest food distribution center wants to improve their internal capabilities from the time product is delivered from the manufacturer to the time the products are delivered to the customer.
    • The Action: MSU facilitates a joint labor/management design team initiative.
    • The Result: The design team presents recommendations for a comprehensive warehouse redesign to the bargaining committee.

    Case Study #4

    • The Issue: A Midwest chemical manufacturer is struggling to remain competitive.
    • The Action: MSU, at the manufacturers request, facilitates a joint strategic planning retreat.
    • The Result: A joint strategic plan which aided in the development of a competitive strategy.

    Case Study #5

    • The Issue: A Southeast beverage manufacturer has a history of adversarial union/management relations. Management believes that this has lead corporate decision makers to divert capital investment to other beverage facilities.
    • The Action: MSU is asked to form and facilitate a joint labor/management committee.
    • The Result: Following a year of joint labor/management efforts to improve various aspects of the production process, a capital investment of $14M is made to add a new product line to the facility.
  • Building and Construction

    Case Study #1

    • The Issue: A Midwest trade's joint apprenticeship training committee is experiencing complaints from apprentices of discrimination and harassment on the job site.
    • The Action and Result: MSU and the JATC jointly designed and delivered a multi-year educational program for all apprentices focusing on diversity and discrimination issues.

    Case Study #2

    • The Issue and Action: A large construction trade organization hired MSU to design and present a program for apprenticeship instructors.
    • The Result: Apprenticeship instructors were able to transfer adult learning concepts and principles to improve their teaching techniques and outcomes.
  • Health Care

    Case Study #1

    • The Issue: The hospital and the union had previously engaged in a bitter strike.
    • The Action: MSU facilitated conversations between the parties that helped to build a shared understanding of how each perceived the strike and the factors that led up to it.
    • The Result: a constructive dialogue that helped the parties to develop a common agenda for moving forward and regaining lost marketshare.

    Case Study #2

    • The Issue: A large hospital faced the challenge of redesigning the work of the nursing and other licensed medical providers (non physicians).
    • The Action: MSU assisted the union and management in forming a joint labor management committee to direct the redesign.
    • The Result: a joint process of redesigning work between the professional union, line managers, and administration.

    Case Study #3

    • The Issue: A hospital system was faced with over-capacity and the need to reduce costs while continuing to provide quality healthcare. Representatives of the three employee unions and the administration agreed to jointly address the challenge.
    • The Action: MSU facilitated the structuring of a committee made up of employees from the 3 unions, physicians, nursing managers, and executives.
    • The Result: a successful effort to reduce costs while maintaining high patient satisfaction.
  • Public & Non-Profits

    Case Study #1

    • The Issue: A non profit human services agency faced a challenge of high staff turnover leading to inexperienced staff and recruitment & training costs.
    • The Action: MSU trained the bargaining committee in the interest based bargaining approach and self facilitation techniques.
    • The Result: was a comparable wage package and procedures to reduce turnover.

    Case Study #2

    • The Issue: A department of state government needed to implement a state-wide joint labor-management effort that had previously been negotiated.
    • The Action: MSU designed and delivered a training program for all locations state-wide.
    • The Result: A process for jointly addressing operational issues and solid endorsement of a joint process by departmental management.
  • College, University, & Post-Secondary Education

    Case Study #1

    • The Issue: A professional union in a university hospital and their employer representatives desired to negotiate their collective bargaining agreement in a less adversarial way.
    • The Action: MSU trained the committee in interest based bargaining and facilitated their bargaining.
    • The Result: was a contract with overwhelming support negotiated in a way that allows the parties to continue to work together as professionals.

    Case Study #2

    • The Issue: The building and custodial services of a public university were charged with the task of assessing the value provided by 3rd shift services.
    • The Action: worked with the union and management team to disconfirm charges of malfeasance and to document the effectiveness of 3rd shift operations overall.
    • The Result: Proposals to downsize 3rd shift operations were disregarded and numerous jobs were saved.

    Case Study #3

    • The Issue: A large public university negotiated new language in their contract outlining a new disciplinary process.
    • The Action: MSU worked with union and management parties to map out a step-by-step process for investigating allegations of misconduct before disciplinary charges might be filed. MSU also worked with the parties to develop a half day training session that union and management representatives conducted for all affected supervisors and stewards on all shifts.
    • The Result: Clear understanding of the language in the Contract as well as a visual representation of the process. It was deemed an effective and workable process. Fewer grievances were reported as a result.
  • K-12 Education

    Case Study #1

    • The Issue: A small town school district faced a challenge every three years when they negotiated the collective bargaining agreement between the teachers' union and the school board. The adversarial nature of the bargaining caused tension and distrust in the community at large.
    • The Action: MSU trained the local union bargaining committee, their union business agent, administrators, and school board members to use an interest based approach to collective bargaining.
    • The Result: was a smoother, more efficient collective bargaining process and one which is no longer dreaded by the community.

    Case Study #2

    • The Issue: A large urban school district with 3 employee unions and an association of principals faced complex issues and poor relationships between the parties.
    • The Action: MSU facilitated the forming of a labor management committee made up of the representatives of the three unions, the association of principals, and the administration.
    • The Result: was increased communication and problem solving among the parties leading to a better environment for students.