Shared BA/BS-MHRLR Program

About the Program
The School of Human Resources & Labor Relations (HRLR) offers undergraduate students the option to apply early for admission into the School's MHRLR graduate program.
This option allows students to complete both their undergraduate and MHRLR graduate degrees in 5 and a half years (in some cases, 5 years). The MHRLR graduate program is designed to prepare students for important work as practitioners in human resources management, labor-management relations, organizational behavior, compensation and benefits, employment and training program functions in the American economy and abroad.
Master of HRLR students enjoy 98 – 100% internship and career placement opportunities.
Shared BA/BS-MHRLR Program Option - Program Admissions and Application Information
Students normally apply for the Master's in Human Resources & Labor Relations during the end of their junior year of undergraduate studies with the expectation of starting the program during their senior year. To be admitted, students must do the following:
Meet with undergraduate Academic Advisor, Matt Hahnenberg ( to see if the shared program option will work with your degree and career plans.
The shared program with the Master's in Human Resources and Labor Relations is open to current MSU undergraduates. Admission to MHRLR is competitive. Students should have strong academic backgrounds and have a clear desire to pursue a career in this field as well as satisfy all graduate admission requirements.
If accepted, work with Graduate Program Coordinator, Cheryl Mollitor ( to complete the shared program enrollment form.
Please refer to MSU's policy regarding shared programs for undergraduate students.
Shared BA/BS-MHRLR Program FAQ
Are you interested in MSU's School of HRLR Graduate Program? Do you have extra elective credits? Apply during your junior year and, if accepted, you can jointly enroll in graduate and undergraduate courses during your senior year! If you are admitted early into the graduate program and are allowed to participate in this shared program, you will need to complete a shared program form. Please refer to MSU's policy regarding shared programs for undergraduate students.
I am graduating in a spring or summer semester. When would I apply to start the Master’s in HRLR?
If you plan on graduating in the spring term, we encourage you to apply in the spring of your junior year for a fall graduate program start term. Or, apply late summer/early fall for a spring admission start term. If accepted, you would enroll in up to a maximum of 3 graduate courses between your fall/spring/summer semesters of your senior year. The 1 to 3 graduate courses (3 to 9 graduate credits) would count only as electives towards your undergraduate degree. For example, you might take 1 graduate course along with 3 or 4 undergraduate courses in the fall of your senior year. In spring of your senior year, you would take 2 graduate courses along with 2 or 3 undergraduate courses (or whatever you would need) to complete your undergraduate degree requirements.
I am graduating in a fall semester. When would I apply to start the Master’s in HRLR?
If you plan on graduating in the fall term, you are still encouraged to apply in the spring of that same year. If accepted, you would enroll in up to a maximum of 3 graduate courses in the fall/final semester of your undergraduate degree (or you may choose to only take 1 to 2 graduate courses during your final semester). Every situation is different. Please work with SHRLR undergraduate advisor Matt Hahnenberg at with any questions.
I don't have any electives remaining. Can I still apply early and enroll in this shared program?
The shared program option works best for students who have at least 9 elective credits remaining. If you do not have any elective credits remaining, perhaps it would be best to complete your undergraduate degree and then apply for traditional admission into the program. If you have questions about your situation, please reach out to SHRLR undergraduate advisor, Matt Hahnenberg at
Why is this beneficial to me?
By participating in this shared program opportunity, you will have completed up to 9 credits (of a 36-credit program) by the time you earn your bachelor’s degree. Additionally, since you are considered an undergraduate student while you dual enroll, you will receive undergraduate tuition rates for any graduate courses you complete during your shared program status.
How are Graduate courses different than Undergraduate courses?
Full-time status at the undergraduate level is considered a minimum of 12 credits/semester. Full-time status at the graduate level is a minimum of 9 credits/semester. Graduate courses are more academically rigorous than undergraduate courses, so keep this in mind as you plan your shared BA/BS-MHRLR schedule. Regardless of how many graduate courses you take in any given semester, the university will view you as an undergraduate student during your shared program year/semester. That is, if you only take 9 graduate credits during your final undergraduate semester, you will still be considered a part-time student because of your shared program status. So keep that in mind for financial aid purposes.
Want to Learn More?
Talk to HRLR Undergraduate Advisor, Matt Hahnenberg
Note: MSU's scheduling system has changed to the new Student Information System. Download instructions on how to schedule an appointment with Matt.